Hello there. Welcome to Newgrounds. I hope you have a great time around here, during your stay.
Since you are 'New' around these 'Grounds', allow me to highly* recommend you to 'give a look' to the following link below, which contains 'useful' and 'interesting' information about the 'Users Accounts' and their 'Stats' (such as, for example, the 'Level', or the 'Whistle Status'):
Also, since you are a 'Content Creator' (being more precise with the term, an 'Artist'), allow me to give you the following link as well, which contains the 'Content Submission Guidelines' (of every kind, such as the 'Movie Portal' ones, or the 'Art Portal' ones, etc...) that you must follow if you want to share your 'witty' works with us, the 'Newgrounds Community', and avoid any possible 'future problems and misunderstandings':
Hello there. Welcome to Newgrounds. I hope you have a great time around here, during your stay.
Since you are 'New' around these 'Grounds', allow me to highly* recommend you to 'give a look' to the following link below, which contains 'useful' and 'interesting' information about the 'Users Accounts' and their 'Stats' (such as, for example, the 'Level', or the 'Whistle Status'):
Also, since you are a 'Content Creator' (being more precise with the term, an 'Artist'), allow me to give you the following link as well, which contains the 'Content Submission Guidelines' (of every kind, such as the 'Movie Portal' ones, or the 'Art Portal' ones, etc...) that you must follow if you want to share your 'witty' works with us, the 'Newgrounds Community', and avoid any possible 'future problems and misunderstandings':
Having said all of this, once more, welcome aboard, and have
A cordial greeting, and have a good day o7.